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createRef | useRef | callbackRef | 
{ current: { readyPromise: resolvablePromise } }

You can pass a ref when you want to access some excalidraw APIs. We expose the below APIs:

readybooleanThis is set to true once Excalidraw is rendered
readyPromisefunctionThis promise will be resolved with the api once excalidraw has rendered. This will be helpful when you want do some action on the host app once this promise resolves. For this to work you will have to pass ref as shown here
updateScenefunctionupdates the scene with the sceneData
updateLibraryfunctionupdates the scene with the sceneData
addFilesfunctionadd files data to the appState
resetScenefunctionResets the scene. If resetLoadingState is passed as true then it will also force set the loading state to false.
getSceneElementsIncludingDeletedfunctionReturns all the elements including the deleted in the scene
getSceneElementsfunctionReturns all the elements excluding the deleted in the scene
getAppStatefunctionReturns current appState
historyobjectThis is the history API. history.clear() will clear the history
scrollToContentfunctionScroll the nearest element out of the elements supplied to the center. Defaults to the elements on the scene.
refreshfunctionUpdates the offsets for the Excalidraw component so that the coordinates are computed correctly (for example the cursor position).
setToastfunctionThis API can be used to show the toast with custom message.
idstringUnique ID for the excalidraw component.
getFilesfunctionThis API can be used to get the files present in the scene.
setActiveToolfunctionThis API can be used to set the active tool
setCursorfunctionThis API can be used to set customise the mouse cursor on the canvas
resetCursorfunctionThis API can be used to reset to default mouse cursor on the canvas
toggleMenufunctionToggles specific menus on/off


const excalidrawRef = { current:{ readyPromise: resolvablePromise } }

Since plain object is passed as a ref, the readyPromise is resolved as soon as the component is mounted. Most of the time you will not need this unless you have a specific use case where you can't pass the ref in the react way and want to do some action on the host when this promise resolves.

const resolvablePromise = () => {
let resolve;
let reject;
const promise = new Promise((_resolve, _reject) => {
resolve = _resolve;
reject = _reject;
promise.resolve = resolve;
promise.reject = reject;
return promise;

const App = () => {
const excalidrawRef = useMemo(
() => ({
current: {
readyPromise: resolvablePromise(),

useEffect(() => {
excalidrawRef.current.readyPromise.then((api) => {
console.log("loaded", api);
}, [excalidrawRef]);
return (
<div style={{ height: "500px" }}>
<Excalidraw ref={excalidrawRef} />


(scene: sceneData) => void

You can use this function to update the scene with the sceneData. It accepts the below attributes.

elementsImportedDataState["elements"]The elements to be updated in the scene
appStateImportedDataState["appState"]The appState to be updated in the scene.
collaboratorsMap<string, Collaborator>The list of collaborators to be updated in the scene.
commitToHistorybooleanImplies if the history (undo/redo) should be recorded. Defaults to false.
Live Editor


(opts: { 
libraryItems: LibraryItemsSource;
merge?: boolean;
prompt?: boolean;
openLibraryMenu?: boolean;
defaultStatus?: "unpublished" | "published";
}) => Promise<LibraryItems>

You can use this function to update the library. It accepts the below attributes.

libraryItemsLibraryItemsSource_The libraryItems to be replaced/merged with current library
mergebooleanfalseWhether to merge with existing library items.
promptbooleanfalseWhether to prompt user for confirmation.
openLibraryMenubooleanfalseKeep the library menu open after library is updated.
defaultStatus"unpublished" | "published""unpublished"Default library item's status if not present.
Live Editor


(files: BinaryFileData) => void

Adds supplied files data to the appState.files cache on top of existing files present in the cache.


(opts?: { resetLoadingState: boolean }) => void

Resets the scene. If resetLoadingState is passed as true then it will also force set the loading state to false.


() => ExcalidrawElement[]

Returns all the elements including the deleted in the scene.


() => NonDeleted<ExcalidrawElement[]>

Returns all the elements excluding the deleted in the scene


() => AppState

Returns current appState.


clear: () => void

This is the history API. history.clear() will clear the history.


target?: ExcalidrawElement | ExcalidrawElement[],
| {
fitToContent?: boolean;
animate?: boolean;
duration?: number;
| {
fitToViewport?: boolean;
viewportZoomFactor?: number;
animate?: boolean;
duration?: number;
) => void

Scroll the nearest element out of the elements supplied to the center of the viewport. Defaults to the elements on the scene.

targetExcalidrawElement | ExcalidrawElement[]All scene elementsThe element(s) to scroll to.
opts.fitToContentbooleanfalseWhether to fit the elements to viewport by automatically changing zoom as needed. Note that the zoom range is between 10%-100%.
opts.fitToViewportbooleanfalseSimilar to fitToContent but the zoom range is not limited. If elements are smaller than the viewport, zoom will go above 100%.
opts.viewportZoomFactornumber0.7when fitToViewport=true, how much screen should the content cover, between 0.1 (10%) and 1 (100%)
opts.animatebooleanfalseWhether to animate between starting and ending position. Note that for larger scenes the animation may not be smooth due to performance issues.
opts.durationnumber500Duration of the animation if opts.animate is true.


() => void

Updates the offsets for the Excalidraw component so that the coordinates are computed correctly (for example the cursor position).

You don't have to call this when the position is changed on page scroll or when the excalidraw container resizes (we handle that ourselves).

For any other cases if the position of excalidraw is updated (example due to scroll on parent container and not page scroll) you should call this API.


This API can be used to show the toast with custom message.

({ message: string, closable?:boolean,duration?:number
} | null) => void
messagestringThe message to be shown on the toast.
closablebooleanIndicates whether to show the closable button on toast to dismiss the toast.
durationnumberDetermines the duration after which the toast should auto dismiss. To prevent autodimiss you can pass Infinity.

To dismiss an existing toast you can simple pass null



The unique id of the excalidraw component. This can be used to identify the excalidraw component, for example importing the library items to the excalidraw component from where it was initiated when you have multiple excalidraw components rendered on the same page as shown in multiple excalidraw demo.


() => files

This API can be used to get the files present in the scene. It may contain files that aren't referenced by any element, so if you're persisting the files to a storage, you should compare them against stored elements.


This API has the below signature. It sets the tool passed in param as the active tool.

{ type: SHAPES[number]["value"]| "eraser" } |
{ type: "custom"; customType: string }) => void


This API can be used to customise the mouse cursor on the canvas and has the below signature. It sets the mouse cursor to the cursor passed in param.

(cursor: string) => void


(opts: { name: string; tab?: string; force?: boolean }) => boolean;

This API can be used to toggle sidebar, optionally opening a specific sidebar tab. It returns whether the sidebar was toggled on or off. If the force flag passed, it will force the sidebar to be toggled either on/off.

This API is especially useful when you render a custom <Sidebar/>, and you want to toggle it from your app based on a user action.


() => void

This API can be used to reset to default mouse cursor.